Thursday, August 4, 2011


    Do you have people in your life that are such good poeple, but they aren't believers? I do. They embody so many traits that followers of Christ are called to have, yet they are not in love with Christ.
     I am thinking of one family in particular as I type this. They are so friendly, generous, loving; but Jesus is not the anchor of thier lives. And even though they are a strong family, wealthy and sucessful by the world's standards, I get this sense of restlessness every time I am with them.
       I heard the above song in the car on the drive home a couple of night ago. Now that I have seen the lyrics, I think the writer is actually talking about being restless to see Jesus, which is great too.  But when I heard it I could not stop thinking about my friends are not a part of the Kingdom of God yet. This song talks about a feeling of never being satisfied, always searching, waiting. I truly believe if I could get my unsaved friends to drink some truth serum, they would confess to feeling empty despite thier best efforts to remain fulfilled.
    I have heard it called a God-shaped hole, a vacuum, a void, an ache-whatever you call it, it is the idea that we are all created to worship our Creator, and until we do we are restless.
   And so I pray for my friends, and share Jesus with them when I am feeling brave (not as often as the Spirit leads, because I can be cowardly).
     The thing is, a lot of my friends have been exposed to Jesus from childhood. And I am left to wonder what about the thousands of unreached people who are feeling restless for someone they haven't even heard of yet?
  So, thanks Switchfoot for reaffirming my calling! I want to go introduce some of these restless people to someone they have  been waiting for thier whole life. He will change everything in them and they will become my brothers and sisters in His name, what a thought to wake up to in the morning!