Happy Almost-Valentines Day!
How do you feel about this holiday?
I am on board, myself.
I get the argument that it is too commercialized, we should show love all year round, sure. But that goes for pretty much every holiday that extols goodness- Christmas, Thanksgiving, Mothers Day, etc.
And then every V-day I read facebook statuses of single friends and Singles' Awareness Day/being tired of being alone/stuff like that.But I happen to think this idea that 'singleness must equal loneliness' is a lie straight from the pit of Hollywood. But what do I know, I only have 25 years of experience (granted, the first 12 or so years it was kind of a non-issue).
But I digress, if you are really so lonely, go to your local nursing home, sit down with someone (they most likely won't care that they don't know you) and have a conversation. I bet several things would happen: 1. You won't spend V-day alone 2. You will share some Jesus love 3. Chances are, you'll see what real loneliness is.
The above paragraph sounds harsh, that is why I have never actually said to a Valentwhiner before.
I love Love. As a follower of Jesus everything I am commanded to do has to do with Love (Matthew 22:37-40) Why would I not love a day based on love?
Don't hear me saying I think all believers should buy pink bears and musical cards. I think the problem is the fact that this day tends to be centered on romantic love- but you don't have to follow the sheeple that are the American consumers. You can celebrate V-day with other people who-eternally speaking- are just as significant as any significant other.
I was going to talk about the origins of Valentines Day, about the cool stories about Saint Valentine. But as I read more, there seems to be a lot of different stories, so you can look it up if you would like. He or they sound like great men of the faith. Which we don't really hear much about now amidst everything else.
Tomorrow night, I am going to introduce a couple of my Chinese friends to Mexican food- greater love hath no man than- oh wait no, that's not right:)
I wish you all a Happy Valentines Day!