Wednesday, September 12, 2018

On Doing Good

"I could never do what you are doing!"

I hear that a good deal when talking about my life in West Africa. Generally from other Christians this is said in a tone of admiration or respect. In many ways I do make sacrifices believers in America do not have to make.

But I would like to step off any pedestal created in peoples' minds. I only followed the call God placed in my heart. And you can and should do the same. It will look different than what I do. You have different gifts and abilities. 

There is controversy over the phrase "Everything is missions." or "Every Christian is a missionary." However it is true that each follower of Christ is called to bring heaven to earth, to preach the Gospel and to live as Christ lived. 

Maybe you can't move overseas to do those things. Invest in where you are and  in those around you. To quote a  refrigerator magnet on my friend Max's fridge:"Bloom where you are planted."

I have a friend who is a gifted writer living in Oklahoma. She is involved in a group called Poetic Justice  She is now visiting women's prisons teaching poetry workshops. I have another friend teaching song writing in women's prisons. Another guy I graduated from high school with is a military veteran now working to start a non-profit for veterans suffering from PTSD using exercise and nutrition as a platform.

If you are having a hard time finding ways to be active in the Kingdom, I would recommend thinking about what are the things that really bother you. What are the things that make you think "Someone should really work on that." When  I was learning about unreached people groups, I kept thinking " I can't believe this is still a reality, who is going to fix this?" And then I joined that team.

This wasn't meant to be a lecture, but an encouragement and a challenge. I can't wait to exchange ministry reports with you all next time I am home!