And yet it is as old as humanity itself. Peoples of every tribe, tongue, and nation have spoken of it- the "imaginative longing" to contact that which seems above and beyond nature."
Arthur F. Glasser
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An update on my training to work overseas to spread God's Glory. |
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Thanks so much for your prayers, I am so thankful to have a team of people lifting me up before the throne of God! That is a huge blessing.
Greg Pruett, president of Pioneer Bible Translators stated "prayer is our number one strategy." I love this strategy, though I still need to improve on carrying it out in all areas of my life! PBT as an organization has a list of strategic prayer requests. I would like to share a few with you and invite you to lift these petitions up in prayer as PBT works to see lives tranformed through God's Word in every language.
- That God would inspire great progress in the 49 translations we have started
- That God would show us how to maximize the impact of these scriptures to grow the Church
- For perfect unity of purpose and heart in our team
- That God would expand PBT International to send teammates from other countries
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The picture to the left is in our front yard in the house I lived in while training in Dallas. This is Brittany Bedford, my teammate. Texas is gave us a beautiful springtime, so a lot of afternoons we read and did homework outside. But it was chilly sometimes (hence Brittany's blanket).I miss that weather!
As I have mentioned, I am now home to continue support raising and partnership development. I hope to be in contact with many of you recieving this email to meet with you to discuss partnering with me as I prepare to go to the field. From July-September I hope to be meeting with people, speaking at churches, small groups, prayer groups, or whoever else would like to hear more about the Bible-less and unreached peoples around the world. I am excited about this time as not only will I be raising the financial support I need to be in ministry, but my prayer and hope is that I can also spread the vision and passion of God's people here sharing their blessings God has given them to bless those who may not have even heard the name of Jesus!
I have posted a couple of great short vidoes, they are both great reminders of how life-changing God's Word truly is! I hope you can check them out!
To contact or support me, or both, my mailing address is
c/o Dean Tyler
240 Green Valley Rd
Inola, OK 74036
When writing checks, please make them payable to Pioneer Bible Translators, and do not put my name on the memo line.My forward agent recieves these checks, and makes out a deposit memo that ensures it goes to my account.
To give online go to http://www.pioneerbible.org/, click on "give" then "give by credit card" on the drop down menu, at the giving page select "teams" from the drop down menu, then "Ministry of Tyler, Shelly"
I have two email accounts, I check both, shelly.tyler@pbti.org, and shellytyler00@gmail.com. Thank you so much for your prayers and support, I would love to hear how I can be praying for you, prayer really is the best strategy to use first, I am finding:) |
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