Wednesday, October 30, 2013

What I have been reading lately

Ideas Have Consequences by Richard M. Weaver- so, this book was recommended to me by my friend who read it for one of his seminary classes. I don’t mind telling you this is one of the headiest books I have read in my life….I started the forward and freaked out a little, but then when I actually started the book itself, it got better. I really don’t know how to summarize this book, so I will take a quote from Weaver’s introduction “The book was intended as a challenge to forces that threaten the foundations of civilization.” He is basically showing how different parts of Western culture has declined in the last century or so, the funny thing is this was written in 1948, and he is lamenting the loss of morality then…..I really enjoyed reading this book, didn’t understand all of it, but the parts I did challenged me to look at history and how it shapes the way I think today. 

The Student Vegetarian Cookbook by Carole Raymond –don’t anybody freak out; I am not becoming a vegetarian. But we don’t eat a lot of meat here in the bush; Brit and I decided we didn’t feel like having an all-day canning party for just the two of us to have meat .So, I needed inspiration for preparing main dishes without meat, this book has been helpful, really for general ideas rather than specific recipes. I think the only recipe I have tried is the honey mustard vinaigrette, which is delicious! 

Reaching for the Invisible God by Phillip Yancey- Brittany and I are reading this one together, and I am really enjoying it. As always, Yancey has so many great insights into the Christian life. He is so down to earth and inspiring at the same time. He addresses doubt and suffering in a Christian’s life in this work. And Yancey is soo well read, he references and quotes all kinds of authors in his books. 

Emma, Mr. Knightley, and Chili Slaw Dogs by Mary Jane Weaver- super cute! It is part of a series called ‘Jane Austen takes the South,’ I already read Pride, Prejudice, and Cheese Grits, they are modern day retellings of the romantic tales- and we have already established I am a sucker for all things Austen.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for Austen! ^_^
    I just read a sweet little novel that mirrored the story of Emma. It was cute. You know, Shelly, you are totally the one that started me on Jane Austen! I had never heard of her or Pride and Prejudice until you asked me about the movie in one of our letters ^_^ Pretty much transformed my life ;)

    In other news: reading recommendation:Compelled by Love, Heidi Baker - talk about radically living for Jesus... It's an easy read, but has the potential to change so much... just finished today and am still digesting.
