Wednesday, November 6, 2013

October's Readings

The Camel Method by Kevin Greeson- This is a book written on an evangelism method that uses the Quaran as a bridge to the Gospel. It uses the commonalities of the Chosen Christ, Angels announcing the birth, the Miracles of Jesus, the Eternal Life Jesus offers that both the Quaran and the Bible speak of. It was a great shot in the arm to read such terms as reproducible, culturally acceptable, and church-planting movement again outside of training courses. 

The Beloved Disciple by Beth Moore This is a study/devotional book based on the writings of John. John has always been my favorite account of Jesus, and this Beth Moore in depth look is really educational and edifying. I am learning and having my heart worked on at the same time. 

Blink of an Eye by Ted Dekkar-this is an adventure-romance novel that takes place partly in the US and partly in Saudi Arabia.  It deals a tiny bit with Christian-Muslim relations, and Middle Eastern culture, I found those parts really interesting. The whole story is interesting though, it was a page turner, I finished it in a weekend! 

Forks Over Knives-The Cookbook by Del Sroufe I watched the documentary by the same name on netflix and was really impressed with it. The whole concept is basically preventative medicine-here is a quote from the back- “if you want to lose weight, lower your cholesterol, and prevent (or even reverse!) chronic conditions such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes, the right food is your best medicine.” So this cookbook has over 300 recipes of dishes based on fruits, veggies, whole grains, tubers and legumes. So yeah, no meat or dairy-I have not gone this far myself, but am trying to include more of the above and living here just automatically cuts out a lot meat. I am learning some new eggplant recipes- which is good because eggplant is one of the few vegetables we can count on being at market every week without fail. 

The Spiritual Danger of Doing Good by Peter Greer This title caught my attention on amazon when I was book shopping. Greer is the CEO of Hope International and has experience in humanitarian/missions work in difficult places in the world. He is also transparent and  very humble in his warnings of the common pitfalls of this line of work: doing the work to please others or make yourself look better to God, judging our brothers and sisters who are living in America too harshly, putting work above family, putting “sacred’ occupations over “secular” ones, etc. I would recommend this book to anyone working in missions or humanitarian work.

Why Islam in Growing in the West

While presenting on where I was headed and what I would be doing to churches and family and friends a couple summers ago, I was surprised at the level of fear/alarm present in the reactions of some when they heard I was going to a region predominantly Muslim. I blame a lot of this on the American press.  I also think we are scared of the things we don’t know about or understand. Jim Denison is a pastor and founder of the Denison Forum of Truth and Culture in Dallas, TX. He has extensively studied Christian-Muslim relations.  I receive a devotional he writes based on world events by email. This month, he is writing his blog based on readers’ questions. I thought this one would be good to repost here- I hope you learn how to better pray for our Muslim friends, coworkers, and neighbors.
Why Is Islam Growing in the West?

The global Muslim population will grow by 35 percent over the next 20 years, from 1.6 billion to 2.2 billion by 2030.  This reader's question seems relevant today: "Why are Westerners drawn to Islam?"  Other readers ask similar questions: "What is the contrast between salvation by grace vs. works in Islam?  And what is a true comparison between Islam and the Bible?"  How should Christians respond?

Let's take the second question first.  "Islam" is typically translated "submission," in this case to the will and laws of Allah (the Arabic word for "God").  These laws are often summarized as the "five pillars of Islam."

First is the "witness" (shahadah), declaring that "there is no God but God and Muhammad is his prophet."  Second are the prayers (salat), five times a day facing Mecca.  Third is hajj, the holy pilgrimage to Mecca, the birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad.  Fourth is fasting (sawm) during Ramadan, the month when the first revelation of the Qur'an was given to Muhammad in AD 610.  Fifth is alms-giving (zakat), at least 2.5 percent of one's goods to the poor.

Here's the point: no Muslim can know if he or she has kept these laws well enough to be granted a place in paradise.  By contrast, the Bible teaches: "by grace you have been saved through faith.  And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast" (Ephesians 2:8-9).  In religion, we try to climb up to God.  In Christianity, God climbs down to us.

Why would a works-based religion be popular in Western culture today?  Actually, the vast majority of "new" Muslims in Europe and America are immigrants or children of Muslims.  Only 20,000 Americans convert to Islam each year, a number smaller than one of several megachurches in the Dallas area.  Since the Muslim birthrate in Europe is three times higher than non-Muslims, it's easy to see why Islam is growing on the Continent.  But its works-righteousness is not the primary reason why.

What about Islam and the Bible?  Muslims are taught that God revealed himself in the Old and New Testaments, but Jews and then Christians corrupted his revelation; so he revealed himself a final time in the Qur'an, which is his "pure" revelation to mankind.  Actually, textual scholars are convinced that the Old and New Testaments we have today are almost identically the same as the original manuscripts.  However, not long after Muhammad's death, so many different versions of the Qur'an existed that Caliph Uthman ordered all but one version destroyed.  As a result, no Muslim can really know if the Qur'an he or she reads today is consistent with the original.

 Let's close with my favorite story regarding the grace of Christianity.  An elderly professor of world religions surprised his colleagues by declaring his commitment to Christ.  He explained: "It was as if I had fallen into a deep, abandoned well.  Muhammad came by and told me it was the will of Allah that I be in this well, then he left.  The Buddha came by and told me if I would cease desire I would cease to suffer in the well, then he left.  A Hindu teacher came by and told me if I was faithful in the well I would escape through reincarnation, then he left.  Confucius came by and told me if I'd not tripped I would not be in the well, then he left.  Jesus came by, saw me, and got into the well with me.  That is why I am a Christian."

Why do you need such grace today?