Friday, September 2, 2011

The Risk is Worth the Reward

So, as some of you may know, my Dad is an engineer. One evening not too long ago,my sister and I were trying to convince him to go to the movies with us. He, largely for our entertainment (I think), took out a pen and paper and made out a list of possible pros and cons to seeing a movie that night.

 I have made some pro/con lists- I think most of us mentally do so when making any decision. I have a friend who is a successful salesman. I had lunch with him, and he gave me some good advice- "When the risk is worth the reward, take the risk."

One of my good friends just told me she is going to have a baby. I am so excited for her and her husband! But then I started to think about how I won't be here to watch that baby grow up, then I started thinking about all these other things I will miss with friends and family while I am halfway around the world. Missing births, weddings, graduations, birthdays,funerals, Christmas, etc- these are the cons, or the risks involved in living far away with an unreached people group to bring them the Gospel.

But, what are the pros, the great reward? Seeing people saved from eternal darkness and brought into the Kingdom of God- poeple who may have never been given that choice before.

Picture in your head a set of hanging scales- like the kind Lady Justice holds. Now on one side a big pile of feathers- these represent the earthly events I will miss out on with loved ones. Then, there on the other side of the scale, someone suddenly places a brick. This brick represents the salvation of those who were before unreached by the Good News. What happens to the risks/cons/feathers? They go flying, they aren't even on the scale anymore!

The risk is worth the reward, so I will take the risk.

1 comment:

  1. I love that imagery! That's a good way to think about the earthly things that just don't compare (even here in the States.) Praying for you, sister!
