Wednesday, April 18, 2012

We always have a choice

It is 3:30 am, and I am blogging because I sure can't go back to sleep. Spiritual warfare? Vanilla coffee from the machine this afternoon? A combination of the two? I don't really know. But I drafted this blog in my head earlier, and now I am putting it to paper (metaphorically speaking.)

"We always have a choice." That phrase has been rolling around in my head the last week or so. Like a lot of fundamental truths, it seems like an easy concept but actually has the potential to change lives if we truly embrace it.

And I get it, I'm 25, young and optimistic maybe. But I've seen enough to know know a lie from Satan when I see one.The hopelessness that I hear in peoples' voices when they talk about their lack of options seems to be a common denominator. That sentiment of  "I have no choice." Satan keeps using the same lie because we keep believing it. That's what he does- there's a reason he's called the father of lies.
To cite a few examples:
The kids I talked to who told me they just can't stop being violent. Lie- they aren't lying-they actually believe the lie that Satan is telling them
The girls who told  me cutting themselves was the only way to feel better Lie-"
The old people at the nursing home who are mean and cranky because life has no hope anymore Lie-"

The circumstances in all three of those examples were such that many people would lose hope. The kids and the girls often had been abused in some form or another; and I think we all can understand the hopelessness of life in a nursing home.

But the simple, profound, liberating, beautiful truth is that God always lets us choose how we will respond to our circumstances. I am not saying the alternatives won't be  messy, or scary,or just plain hard; but I have gotten the closest I have ever been to God through the hard, messy, scary times.
I mean if we want to talk lack of options and hope, check out these folks Corrie Ten BoomJoni Eareckson Tada, or Horatio Spafford- these guys stopped falling for the lie of hopelessness, even in the face of seemingly hopeless lives.
And this goes for every hardship out there: bad day, alcoholism, porn addiction, really bad day, sickness, money troubles, etc.- We can't always control our circumstances, but we always control our reactions.
 We always have a choice.
We always have a choice.

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